See also references on students as partners undertaking research and inquiry.
2010 Reflecting on engaging students in the process and product of strategy development for learning, teaching and assessment: an institutional example, International Journal for Academic Development (Healey M, Mason O’Connor, K. & Broadfoot, P.) 15(1) 19-32
2014 Engagement through partnership: Students as partners in learning and teaching in higher education. York: HE Academy (Healey, M., Flint, A. & Harrington, K.) 76pp. Over 1,000 Google Scholar citations.
2015 Students as partners in learning, in Lea, J. (ed) Enhancing learning and teaching in higher education: Engaging with the dimensions of practice, Maidenhead: Open University Press (Healey, M., Bovill, C. & Jenkins, A.)
2015 Inclusive partnership: Enhancing student engagement in Geography. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 40(1): 84-103. (Moore-Cherry, N., Healey R. L., Nicholson, D.T., & Andrews, W.)
2016 Students as partners: Reflections on a conceptual model, Teaching and Learning Inquiry 4(2) 13pp Article 3 in Special Section (Healey, M., Flint, A. & Harrington, K.)
2017 Responding to the challenges of student-staff partnership: The reflections of participants at an international summer institute, Teaching in Higher Education 22(6), 720-735 (Marquis, E., Black, C. & Healey, M.)
2017 Launching a journal about and through students as partners, International Journal for Students as Partners 1(1). (Cliffe, A., Cook-Sather, A., Healey, M., Healey, R., Marquis, B., Matthews, K. E., Mercer-Mapstone, L., Ntem A., Puri, V. & Woolmer, C.)
2018 Connecting learning, teaching, and research through student-staff partnerships: toward universities as egalitarian learning communities. In V. Tong, A. Standen, A., & M. Sotiriou, (Eds.) Shaping higher education with students: Ways to connect research and teaching (pp.23-29). London: University College of London Press (Matthews, K. E., Cook-Sather, A., & Healey, M.)
2018 Engaging in radical work: Students as partners in academic publishing, Efficiency Exchange (Universities UK and Jisc in partnership with Hefce and the Leadership Foundation) (Healey, R. L., Healey, M. & Cliffe, A.)
2018 “It depends”: Exploring the context-dependent nature of students as partners’ practices and policies. International Journal for Students as Partners, 2(1) (Healey, M. & Healey, R. L.)
2018 Staff-student partnership: inclusive/exclusive pedagogic practices. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal 2(1), 124-5. (Moore-Cherry, N. & Healey, R. L.)
2019 Enhancing outcomes and reducing inhibitors to the engagement of students and staff in learning and teaching partnerships: Implications for academic development. International Journal for Academic Development 24(3), 246-59. (Matthews, K. E., Mercer-Mapstone, L., Lucie Dvorakova, S., Acai, A., Cook-Sather, A,, Felten, P., Healey, M., Healey, R. L., & Marquis, E.)
2019 Growing partnership communities: What experiences of an international institute suggest about developing student-staff partnership in higher education. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 56(2), 184-194. (Marquis, E., Guitman, R., Black, C., Healey, M., Matthew, K. E. & Dvorakova, L. S.)
2019 By any other name? The impacts of differing assumptions, expectations and misconceptions about student-staff ‘partnerships’. International Journal for Students as Partners, 3(1): 106-122. (Healey, R. L., Lerczak, A., Welsh, K. & France, D.)
2019 Pedagogic partnership in higher education: Encountering emotion in learning and enhancing student wellbeing. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 45(2): 167-185. (Hill, J., Healey, R. L., West, H. & Déry, C.)
2019 The benefits of hindsight: Lessons learnt from leading my first cross-department student-staff partnership project. York Learning and Teaching Forum Magazine 46. (Healey, R. L.)
2019 Student-staff partnership comes of age. York Advance HE (Healey, M. & Healey, R. L.) Open access free to download
2019 Student engagement through partnership: A guide and update to Advance HE Framework (04). York: Advance HE (Healey, M. & Healey, R. L.)
2020 Learner-teacher partnership in times of COVID-19: A community poll to share practices and perspectives. Brisbane: University of Queensland. (Matthews, K. E., Cook-Sather, A., Godbold, N., Healey, M., & Rafferty, C.)
2020 Interview with Professor Mick Healey and Dr Ruth Healey. Educational Developments 21(3), 11-13. (Gossman, P.)
2020 From the “micro” to the “mega”: Toward a multi-level approach to supporting and assessing student-staff partnership. In T. Lowe and Y. El Hakim (Eds.), A handbook for student engagement in higher education: Theory into practice (pp. 110–124). Routledge. (Marquis, E., Black, C., Guitman, R., Healey, M., & Woolmer, C.)
2021 Recognizing students’ expertise and insights in expanding forms of academic writing and publishing about learning and teaching. International Journal for Students as Partners, 5(1), 1-7. (Cook-Sather, A., Healey, M., & Matthews, K. E.)
2021 Learning from the pandemic to embed empathy in students-as-partners practice. SEDA Blog, 15 December 2022. (Healey, R. L.)
2023 Reflections on disciplinary perspectives on students as partners, International Journal for Students as Partners 7(1), 1-13. (Healey, M, Healey, R. L. & West, H.)
2023 A guide to working with students as partners. Centre for Academic Innovation and Development, University of Chester. (Healey, R. L.)
2023 A guide to working with students as partners: University of Chester case studies. Centre for Academic Innovation and Development, University of Chester. (Healey, R. L.)
2022 ‘Every partnership [… is] an emotional experience’: towards a model of partnership support for addressing the emotional challenges of student–staff partnerships, Teaching in Higher Education DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2021.2021391 (Healey, R. L. & France, D.)
2024 The role of academic developers in initiating, developing, and supporting student-staff partnerships in learning and teaching in higher education: A systematic narrative literature review and a new framework. International Journal for Academic Development 1-29 (Healey, M. & Healey, R. L.)
2024 Toward greater transparency and inclusion in manuscript review processes: A relational model. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 12 (August), 1–23. (Cook-Sather, A. & Healey, R. L.)
2024 Bringing a Social Justice Lens to Matthews’ Five Propositions for Genuine Students-as-Partners Practice: A Narrative Review. Social Sciences. 13(11): 577. (Healey, R. L.)
2024 Discovery and Co-creation of Learning: Sector Insights Guide. Heriot-Watt University (Healey, M. & Healey, R. L.)
2025 Students as partners and co-creation. Foreword 2 in Jamil, M. G., O’Connor, C., & Shelton, F. (Eds) Co-creation for academic enhancement in higher education: Research-informed case studies. xi-xvii. PalgraveMacMillan. Open Access. (Healey, M.)