Linking research and teaching and engaging students in research and inquiry
“Developing and enhancing undergraduate final year projects and dissertations (2013) “is the publication we have all been waiting for. It is based on cutting-edge research and has obviously been led by a team who really understand the challenges that dissertations and projects pose for staff and students alike. It provides some excellent case studies focusing on innovative and creative approaches, identifies a number of alternative ‘outputs’ to the traditional dissertation, and contains a number of really helpful tools that I will be recommending to staff in my own University. ”
2005 Linking research and teaching exploring disciplinary spaces and the role of inquiry-based learning, in Barnett, R (ed) Reshaping the university: new relationships between research, scholarship and teaching McGraw-Hill/Open University Press, 67-78 (Healey M). My most cited article – over 1400 Google Scholar citations
2005 Linking research and teaching to benefit student learning, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 29(2), 183-201 (Healey M)
2005 Institutional strategies to link teaching and research. York: The Higher Education Academy (Jenkins A and Healey M) 66pp (ISBN 1-904190-91-X) (Healey M)
2006 Strengthening the teaching-research linkage in undergraduate courses and programmes, in Kreber, C (ed) Exploring research-based teaching, New Directions in Teaching and Learning, San Francisco: Jossey Bass/Wiley (Healey M and Jenkins A), 45-55
2007 Critiquing excellence: undergraduate research for all students, in Skelton A (ed) International perspectives on teaching excellence in higher education London: Routledge, 117-132 (Jenkins A and Healey M)
2007 Linking teaching and research in departments and disciplines York: The Higher Education Academy (Jenkins A, Healey M and Zetter R) 96pp (ISBN 978-1-905788-38-5)
2008 Linking research and teaching to benefit student learning: research context, developments and future directions, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 32(2), 163-166 (Healey M)
2008 Linking discipline-based research and teaching through mainstreaming undergraduate research, Ryan N (ed) International perspectives on teaching and learning in Higher Education, Cork: National Academy for Integrating Research Teaching and Learning, University College Cork, 12-20 (Healey M)
2008 International perspectives on student perceptions of research: the role of academic development in implementing research-based teaching and learning in higher education, International Journal for Academic Development 13(3), 199-211 (Turner N, Wuetherick B, and Healey M)
2008 Developing students as researchers, University and College Union Magazine October 17-19 (Healey M and Jenkins A)
2008 Valuing the links between teaching and research: the role of undergraduate research and inquiry in HEFCE’s Research Informed Teaching initiative, paper presented to SRHE Conference Liverpool 9-11 Dec (Healey M, Lynch K and Romer W)
2008 Academics’ experiences and perceptions of ‘research’ and ‘teaching’: developing the relationship between these activities to enhance student learning within different disciplines and institutions. Research Report to Higher Education Academy, York (Lucas L, Healey M, Jenkins A and Short C)
2009 Developing undergraduate research and inquiry. York: HE Academy (Healey M and Jenkins A) 152pp (ISBN 978 1 905788 99 6)
2009 Developing the student as a researcher through the curriculum, in Rust C (ed) Improving Student Learning through the Curriculum, (pp.6-19). Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford: OCSLD (Jenkins A and Healey M)
2010 Guidance in leading, promoting and supporting undergraduate research. University of Gloucestershire (Childs, P., Healey, M., Lynch, K., Mason O’Connor, K. & McEwen, L).
2010 The research-teaching nexus: A case study of students’ awareness, experiences and perceptions of research, Innovations in Education and Teaching International 47(2), 235-246 (Healey M, Jordan F, Pell B and Short C)
2010 The Changing Awareness, Experience and Perception of Research by Level 3 Undergraduate Students at the University of Gloucestershire, 2002-09. Cheltenham: Centre for Active Learning, University of Gloucestershire (Short C, Healey M and Romer W)
2010 Undergraduate research and international initiatives to link teaching and research, CUR Quarterly 30(3), 36-42 (Jenkins A and Healey M)
2010 The changing awareness, experience and perception of research by undergraduates: The case of final year students at a new university, 2002-09, Learning Exchange 1(1) (Short C, Healey M and Romer W)
2010 International perspectives on undergraduate research and inquiry: a scholarly discussion, posters, presentations and discussion at Pre-ISSoTL Conference Seminar 19 October, Liverpool (Healey M, Jenkins A and Hensel N eds)
2010 Undergraduate research and international initiatives to link teaching and research, CUR Quarterly 30(3), 36-42 (Jenkins A and Healey M)
2011 Mapping the journey towards self-authorship in geography, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 35(3), 351-364 (Moore N, Fournier E, Hardwick, S W, Healey M, Maclachlan J and Seeman J)
2011 Rethinking the dissertation, The Guardian 28th June (Healey M)
2011 Navigating between teaching, learning and inquiry: A continuation of the discussion begun by John Carfora and Michael Theal, Higher Education Teaching and Learning Portal 21 July (Jenkins A and Healey M)
2011 Valuing and challenging selective undergraduate research programs, Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring (PURM) 1(1) (Jenkins A and Healey M)
2012 Developing and embedding inquiry-guided learning across an institution, in Lee V (ed) The Power of Inquiry as a Way of Learning in Undergraduate Education, New Directions in Teaching and Learning (Jenkins M and Healey M) (pp27-37)
2012 Research-led or research-based undergraduate curricula, in Chalmers, D and Hunt, L (eds) University teaching in focus: a learning centred approach, Camberwell, Victoria, Australia: Acer. pp128-144 (Jenkins A and Healey M)
2012 Rethinking final year projects and dissertations: Final report. York: HE Academy. (Healey M, Lannin L, Derounian J and Stibbe A with Bray S, Deane J, Hill S, Keane J and Simmons C) 39pp.
2013 Developing and enhancing undergraduate final year projects and dissertations. York: HE Academy. (Healey M, Lannin L, Stibbe A and Derounian J) 93pp
2014 Developing research-based curricula in college-based higher education. York: Higher Education Academy (Healey M, Jenkins A and Lea J) 86pp
2014 Integrating undergraduate research into the curriculum: International perspectives on capstone and final-year projects, CUR Quarterly 34(4), 26-32 (Healey M)
2014 College-based higher education and student research and inquiry: Some challenges and opportunities for educational developers. Educational Developments 15(1), 5-8 (Healey M, Jenkins A and Lea J)
2014 Everyone should make further enquiries, Times Higher Education p.26, 10 July (Healey M, Jenkins A and Lea J)
2014 Undergraduate research and inquiry in college-based higher education, Undergraduate Research News Australasia 8, 8-9 (Healey M, Jenkins A and Lea J)
2015 Institutional and departmental strategies to support faculty to teach through student research and inquiry: International perspectives, Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly 35(3), 31-37. (Jenkins A and Healey M)
2015 Assessing capstone projects and dissertations, Hong Kong University WISE Assessment Briefing 4 (Healey M)
2015 Assessing capstone projects and dissertations: Case studies, Hong Kong University WISE Assessment Briefing (Healey M)
2015 Reshaping understandings, practices and policies to enhance teaching and research linkages, in John P and Fanghanel J (eds) Dimensions of marketization in higher education Routledge (Jenkins A and Healey M) pp164-174.
2018 The role of academic developers in embedding high-impact undergraduate research and inquiry in mainstream higher education: Twenty years’ reflection, International Journal for Academic Development 23(1), 52-64 (Healey M and Jenkins A)
2022 Foreword to The Cambridge Handbook of Undergraduate Research (edited by Mieg, H. et al), pp. xx – xxvi. Cambridge University Press. (Healey M and Jenkins A)